There are Many types of loans that we at Surjit Finance offer:
We provide business loans starting from INR One Lakhs.
As the name suggests this is the loan given against gold. It's a secured loan that enables borrowers to pledge their gold in lieu of a cash loan. It enables people to utilize their gold assets instead of storing them in lockers. Customers usually go for this loan for short period to meet the requirement of their children's education, marriage and other financial problems in the family.
This Loan amount is within your available Credit Card limit. Eg: If your Credit Card limit is Rs. 1,50,000/-, your loan limit can be Rs. 50,000 then the maximum loan amount that you can get will be Rs. 1,00,000/- which will be blocked against your remaining limit.
The maximum period for loan repayment in our finance company is 12 months